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My name is Dave Mollenhour, I grew up on a farm and all types of crops and dairy cattle supported our lifestyle. I was given my first cow to milk on my 5th birthday, that was a big day for me.  I also got to let the cattle out when my two brothers and my Dad got through milking. We had to take them across a gravel road to get to the big pasture.  Most of them would come when they were called at milking time, but some of them had a mind of their own, that's when I would send old Shep to help me get them up.  I was given a pup out of a short haired Collie mix by a neighbor who was also milking cows.  With the routine being the same every day he got to be very good.  I have had a lot of dogs through the years but did not have a real cow dog until 1996.  I bought two Border Collies from Charlie Ridener and they were cow dogs.  My first trial was in 1998 and I enjoyed it so much that I started going to every trial I could find.  I am proud to say that my Jake dog was Reserve Champion Dog of the Year in 1998.  Cattle dogs are in my blood and I bought two more from Charlie and several pups from others, one of them being Razor.

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